Do you like to come home to a minimalist, uncluttered environment? Or do you feel more comfortable with an eclectic assortment of cozy furnishings? An urban loft feel? Or the ambiance of a beach cottage?


Whatever your style, it’s best to define the overall look you desire for your home before starting to select furnishings, fixtures, or accessories. Finding a grouping of photos that represent the look and feel you want, even if it’s not possible to recreate the look perfectly, provides a basis for making coordinated choices and reducing the stress of decision-making.


Two popular online ways to create your own style standard are Houzz ideabooks ( and Pinterest boards ( These platforms allow you to save groupings of photos that you like, and can help you define what you want your home to look like. However, the endless options available can also be overwhelming, and having a designer review them can help you focus.


DesignFix stylists work with clients to help define the look they want, and can create style solutions even for clients who aren’t sure where to start.. When we shop on a client’s behalf, a style board assures results that are consistent with agreed-upon guidelines, and also enables our clients to shop more confidently on their own.


Having clarity about your style eliminates spending money on things that don’t look right in your home. With a little planning, your place can look smart and put-together!